Previous Agenda
Dairy Talks(2024)
Drink Talks(2024)
Snack & Baking(2024)
Functional Ingredient(2024)
Marketing Talks(2024)
Pack Talks(2024)
Channel Talks(2024)
Product Development Talks
Plenary Session(2024)
 (Day 1)
 (Day 2)
Snack & Baking(2024)
· 6.25 (Day 1)
Make Snack Delicious And Fun
New Strategic Trends
Address from Chair
Focus & Insight: Trends, Waves and Changes in the Trillion Snacks Market

The snack market is ever-changing, with fierce competition among various players. What transformations have occurred in the snack market this year? Where are the next growth points and opportunities? Let's first discuss the new trends and emerging waves!

[Panel Discussion] Changes in Channels: Accelerating Growth in Snacks Market

In the face of performance growth, channel is undoubtedly a strong correlation variable. In the snack market, each transformation in distribution channels often leads to the rise of new brands, driving changes in the snack industry. Previously, there were Three Squirrels and Be & Cheery, who successfully mastered the "traffic code," and now there's MMHM Group, seizing the bulk purchase opportunities...

Haoxiangni invested in bulk selling in brick-and-mortar stores, Jiashili comprehensively build omni-channel and continuously expands sales networks. In the surging snack market, how can brands make high growth sustainable? Fully embrace the changes in channels should be the key!

Product & Brand Enhancement
Ferrero: Beyond the "Golden Wonder," How Else Can Chocolate Innovate?

Since entering the Chinese market, Ferrero Rocher has created numerous "golden wonders" through unique market insights and product innovations, becoming an essential item for Chinese New Year celebrations. However, Ferrero Group is not content with just this. Ferrero continually expands its product boundaries and engages closely with younger consumer groups. By extending gifting scenarios, meeting emotional needs, launching dark chocolate products, and targeting niche markets, let's explore the innovations Ferrero brings beyond its classic "golden" offerings.

Godiva: A Master of Gourmet Chocolate

In Japan, where gift-giving and dessert culture are very strong, chocolate has long been the "national snack" of Japan by virtue of its social attributes and sweet flavour, beating all other sub-categories by nearly 17%. The bigger the market, the bigger the competition, how in the world should brands break through? How can Godiva define itself as a high-end chocolate brand and make itself a "luxury brand" in the extremely voluminous market? How can Godiva quadruple its revenue in 13 years? How does Godiva make consumers fall into the chocolate "vortex"? You must comeon site to hear the answers!

零1 零3 零2

(Source: LinkedIn@Godiva Chocolatier)

Start With Creativity: How Kanro, at 112 Years Old, Maintains Its Top Position in Japan's Candy Market Through Innovation

Who says candy doesn't sell well? By understanding consumers and being innovative, you can still win the hearts of all age groups with sweetness! Hear directly from the CEO of Kanro, the leading brand in Japan's candy market!

In 1955, Kanro opened the door to "innovation" with Japan's first soy sauce candy and the first twisted cellophane packaging. 69 years later, in an era when sugar is often viewed with concern, the 112-old Kanro achieved 1.35 billion RMB in revenue in 2023. With a 15.7% market share in gummies and an impressive 20.8% market share in hard candies, Kanro firmly holds its position as Japan's number one in the confectionery market (excluding chocolate)

*DATA: Intage SRI+ estimated market scale Jan. 2023 to Dec. 2023

(Source: Kanro website)

Lunch & Food Show Tour
Healthy Ingredients "Innovation"
The Magical Konjac, the Massive Market

The konjac is going viral! The konjac products of YanJin Food sales up 163% YoY in H1 2023. The first slice of konjac vegetarian tripe on the market with the ultimate taste and innovative flavors to make consumers from excited and "addictive". Let's see how YanJin Food can use konjac to pry the hundred-billion-level snack market.

"Digging" Konjac Potential Stocks

Consumers of health, taste and texture of the ultimate pursuit of konjac, so that the dormant 3000 years of konjac has finally been "tapped" out more potential. This colourless and tasteless agricultural products, has become the brightest presence in the snack market.  In addition to jelly and vegetarian tripe, what kind of konjac product can still be created? Let's start from the R&D and innovation, to explore the konjac in the future of the infinite possibilities!

A Green Plum Can Be Anything: Small Plums, "Planting" a Big Market!

When it comes to plums, the LiuLiu Orchard Group must already appeared in everyone's mind. With a small plum, Slippery LiuLiu Orchard Group has opened up a big market: with 2 billion pills sold a year, green plums have taken over the minds of consumers.

However, the market needs innovation, so the LiuLiu Orchard Group has successively launched plums without kernel, plum jelly, plum cake, with plum as the core of the product matrix is becoming richer and richer. In today's snack market, how many more possibilities are there for the 3,000-year-old green plum?

Grains, on Call 24/7!

Still think grains as a breakfast food? It has broken down the shackles of breakfast and penetrated more dining scenarios as indicated by 11.4% CAGR from 2017 to 2022.

Keto friendly, gluten-free, nuts-free, granola … Grains meet all of your needs all day long. Boasting of a thousand-trillion-scale market globally, grains—from cereal, energy bars, to outdoor snacks—have infinite potential in the domestic market.


Snack & Baking(2024)
· 6.26 (Day 2)
Make Snack Delicious And Fun
Think Bold and Different
Address from Chair
Subtraction Strategy: Pare Down and Focus

Consumer loyalty is shrinking. New products keep emerging and brands are caught in chaotic fights, trying hard to be remembered. In the fight for survival, no two species can occupy the same ecological niche, while in the business realm, brands have to pare down and focus on the core category to win consumers’ mind.

Let’s then have a chat about the "pruners" and "magnifiers" for brands’ deployment strategies.

[Live Debut] Second Half of the Snack Industry: Bestore's New "Five Reductions" Concept

How can snack brands break through product homogenization and stand out to consumers who want it all?

Following the "Three Reductions" standard of reducing oil, sugar, and salt, Bestore has upgraded to the "Five Reductions" concept (reducing salt, sugar, fat, oil, and food additives) and launched a series of new products with a health-oriented "label": reduced salt and preservatives, zero trans fats, "Clean Label" 2.0, and more. These products achieved impressive results, surpassing 4 million in sales across all channels within one week.

What is the business logic behind Bestore's new proposition for 2024? How do their products and IP integrate into the lifestyles of young consumers? What other surprises does the brand have in store? Only at FBIF 2024 will you find out!

Cracking The Youthful DNA of PepsiCo

Facing the ever-changing snack market and the new generation with an attitude, how can classic brands approach young consumers in a more vibrant, relaxed and approachable way? PepsiCo must be highlighted on this topic! How can PepsiCo, as an "old" brand, maintain the contrast of a young brand image?  It has completed iterations and upgrades time and again, used innovative thinking to lead the wave of the new generation, and has continued to promote the growth of brand power and commercial value in both directions. In this speech, Nina Mu, Chief Marketing Officer, Greater China Foods, PepsiCo, will focus on how to create a sense of youthfulness for the brand, expanding new scenarios, localised innovation and digital drive, which are the core secrets of PepsiCo always being "so young"!

[Outdoor Exploration] Edible Creations and Endless Inspiration

What?! Young people are running away from home? Statistics show that the demand for snacks in outdoor activities, as one snacking scenarios, grew dramatically by 48.3%. Outdoor activities, like travelling, camping, and markets, are extremely appealing to young people and provide an excellent opportunity for snacks penetrating new scenarios. This time, brands shall go wherever consumers go.

Reminder: no time for camping due to this event? No worries! We will set up tents indoor and experience with you the ceiling-free romance. Make you seize every fleeting inspiration!


Lunch & Food Show Tour
New Opportunities in Baking
Unlocking Fresh Baking Opportunities: How to Attract Consumers Who Prioritize Self-Indulgence?

Data shows that over 87% of consumers are choosing products based on ingredient lists, yet the lengthy ingredient lists in baking products often make them "difficult to understand and hesitant to eat." How can the challenge of ensuring that clean label foods are also delicious be overcome?

Biological solutions from nature can reduce the addition of emulsifiers during the baking process while maintaining excellent taste. In short: clean and delicious! Let's explore with Novonesis how biological enzymes can "activate" the clean label baking market, making it clear for consumers and ensuring they can eat with peace of mind.

Beyond Frozen: Starting From Technology, Fuses The "Boiling" Market With Frozen Bakery

The speed of bakery pop-ups has changed from "yearly" to "monthly" or even shorter, and bakery products have become the "secret of flow" to catch the Gen-Z. The main consumer "bread and dessert lover" is "pressing" the bakery industry to integrate with retail, supermarket, coffee and tea, catering, e-commerce and other channels. It has even successfully broken the circle and become the magic weapon of luxur to catch young people.

However, the complex technology, high cost and consumers' pursuit of freshness, flavor and high quality in the baking industry have often kept people away, so what else can be done? The Puratos Group, a century-old Belgian food technology company, will unveil the mystery of the baking industry, and use the new frozen technology to enhance the baking fusion, and directly tell you how to make the "cake" of frozen baking bigger and bigger!

In The Offline-dominated Baking Market, How Did Garden Bakery Achieve 30% of Its Revenue Online Within 3 Years?

In China's baking market, offline presence still reigns supreme. However, since 2020, there has been a notable increase in brands "transitioning" to online channels. Faced with the blue ocean of online channels, how do baking brands seize opportunities and successfully transform?

Garden Bakery managed to increase its online revenue share from 0% to 30% within 3 years, expanding its business nationwide with its signature products. Starting from mooncakes in 2006, Garden Bakery has now made its cheese buns widely known. How did Garden Bakery achieve this success? Let's step into the secret "garden" of this baking brand and find out.
