Zhi Chen
Founder & CEO
Winter Poems

Zhi Chen is the founder and CEO of Winter Poems (Dongqu), a prestige brand of handcrafted Shaoxing huangjiu (yellow wine). He was considered as the pioneer in introducing sing-year vintage, non-colouring-added handcrafted Shaoxing huangjiu to the market. It therefore breaks the mass stereotypes of this traditional Chinese alcoholic beverage as lousy and cheap. Since established in 2019, Winter Poems has entered numerous Michelin-starred and Black Pearl restaurants, as well as reached a long-term strategic cooperative partnership with multiple luxury hotels worldwide.

Chen is a constant advocator for the brewing technique of Shaoxing huangjiu as the National Intangible Cultural Heritage. He is dedicated to introducing to the most traditional Chinese brewing to the world with a fresh representation.

Event Introduction
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Keep Alcohol Engaging
Media Center (North) - Level 2 of North Lobby west
New Youth Drinking
[Panel Discussion] Implications of Sake Development on China’s Grain-based Liquor Development

High and low alcoholic beverages are always in the spotlight in China's alcoholic beverages market, with medium alcoholic beverages like yellow wine appearing unpopular. But in fact, yellow wine was once a well-liked upper-class consumer product.

Sake, which is also a grain-based liquor, has also gone through a slump, but it currently begins to grow quickly internationally.

By reviewing the development of sake, what are the future options for our traditional medium alcoholic beverages?

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