Cheng Ying
Technical Director

Cheng Ying 1996-2013 Yibin Tianyuan Group Co. , Ltd. , 2016-2019 self-employed, 2020-2021 Sichuan University Food and agricultural products processing research institute, 2021-so far Sichuan Wazi food; Personality characteristics: rigorous, the pursuit of extreme products; advocate life-long learning. The food industry belongs to the traditional industry with a lower starting point. In the manufacturing industry, the intelligentization and automation started late. There is still a lot of room for imagination in the industry with a high level of intelligentization and in the international advanced food enterprises, there are many blueprints to strive for. In particular, the industrialization, standardization of food has become more and more convenient and delicious family necessities, to each of us food people unlimited innovation and create happiness. So“Food is the traditional industry, food science is the emerging industry.”

Event Introduction
 · 06/14 (Day 1)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
Hall 17 DH001
Embrace 3R Food
[Panel Discussion] Approaching the Peak, 3R Food Needs A Bit of Creativity

There are numerous regional flavors in China and each flavor has endless variations. Spiceness alone has shown dazzling versatility, less saltiness, sweetness, sourness...When regional flavored dishes, like Fish and Pickled Cabbage, Pig Intestines with Chicken, approach the peak, it is time to go off the mainstream and seek something new.

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