Jason Yang
Channel & Supply Chain
Senior Director
PepsiCo Asia R&D Center

Jason Yang is Senior Director of PepsiCo Asia R&D Center. Jason and his team have been leading foods product development of PepsiCo Asia, focusing on portfolio expansion and breakthrough innovation of snack and nutrition categories.

By building best-in-class consumer-centric insight and an agile innovation mindset, Jason and his team have successfully launched many innovation products in Asia market, such as Lays Tari Chips, Purple Potato Chips and Regional Flavor Rotation Potato Chips from an innovative “East for East” approach, High Protein Chicken Chips through breakthrough compression popping technology, and Quaker “Five Series” multigrain that applied concepts from Chinese traditional culture. Moreover, to address the growing elderly market, the team launched Quaker Multi-Vitamin Instant Oat that had a great success.

With 20 years devoting to R&D, Jason has solid knowledge and successful experience in innovation in Food & Beverage industry. Before joining PepsiCo, Jason had served in P&G and Mars.


Event Introduction
Channel & Supply Chain
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Laying A Solid Groundwork
CC207 - Hall 18 2nd Floor
Supply Chain Construction
Find the Right Way: Systematic Engineering for Product Innovation

Where does inspiration for innovative products come from? Innovation is not just about inspiration, but also a systematic ability. Having an innovative insight is only the first step. Converting that insight into products that are delicious, capable of steady mass production, and highly controllable in terms of cost and risk - every step is the result of skills accumulation.

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