Food & Money
Lemon Republic

Event Introduction
Food & Money
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Start Up, Stand Out
CC201A - Hall 18 2nd Floor
To the Future
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Food & Money
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Start Up, Stand Out
CC201A - Hall 18 2nd Floor
To the Future
Tea Time: The Pits We Have Stepped on Together Those Years...

(1) New Investment Relationship: How do investors and founders grow together?

(2) Team building: should you choose people who are "competent" or "believe in you"?

(3) The resilience of entrepreneurs: "The last leg of a journey just marks the halfway point", but are we still on the first step or the ninety-ninth step? In an uncertain era, how do we maintain the belief to keep moving forward?

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