Lulu Tian, Ph.D.
Ingredient Talks
Director & Chief Scientist of Healthcare Department
Biogrowing Research Institute

Lulu Tian, Ph.D., Director & Chief Scientist of Healthcare department of Biogrowing Research Institute; Director of Academic Committee of Jiangnan University & Juneyao Health Joint Innovation Laboratory; Received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Senior Engineer; Committed to study of healthcare and microorganisms for more than ten years; Successfully managed dozens of college-enterprise projects and commercialization of scientific research achievements; Developed a great number of health food and probiotics products.  

Event Introduction
Ingredient Talks
 · 06/15 (Day 2)
Explore The Next Star Ingredient
CC201B - Hall 18 2nd Floor
Hot Functional Trends
The Dance with Bacteria on Ice and Fire

Probiotics in sausages, cake, ice cream...how many possibilities do the bacteria in food and beverage?

Link to agenda