Jonathan Xie
Marketing Talks
General Manager of Wuhan Project
Shui On Xintiandi

Jonathan Xie currently serves as the General Manager of the Shui On Xintiandi Wuhan Project. He graduated from the Computer Science and Technology program at Chongqing University.

Mr. Xie has been with Xintiandi for 19 years. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shui On Land, Shui On Xintiandi is an investor, operator and manager of premium commercial properties and a curator of social spaces based in mainland China. The company keeps to the idea of “live, work and play” from Shui On Land, and is committed to building vibrant communities to therefore drive the commercial prosperity of the whole district.

During his career, Mr. Xie has held various roles in project development, office leasing, and commercial asset management. He possesses rich experience and professional insights in cross-border cooperation between offline commercial spaces and F&B brands.

Since joining the Wuhan Tiandi Project in 2020, as the General Manager, Mr. Xie has led the property management team to innovate and actively transform the project. Through brand portfolio optimization and refinement of operations, Wuhan Xintiandi achieved a double-digit increase in both foot traffic and sales compared to 2019, with rental income increasing by more than 30%. Annual sales performance has also grown to approximately RMB 1 billion, ultimately achieving a dual enhancement of brand power and operating ability.

Event Introduction
Marketing Talks
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Growth and Beyond Growth
International Plenary Hall - Level 2 of North Lobby west
Construct the Brand Bastion
[Panel Discussion] Back to Offline - Building F2F Brand Connections with Consumers

Against the backdrop of popular outdoor activities such as urban walking, camping, and Frisbee, we see that younger consumers are increasingly eager for an "offline" lifestyle and disintermediated contact. In this trend, how can food brands establish closer connections with consumers through offline links? 

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