Qianya Xu
Marketing Talks
Senior Sales Director - FMCG

Qianya Xu has been deeply involved in the retail FMCG industry for more than 10 years, joined bilibili in 2017, and is now the Senior Sales Director of FMCG in Marketing Center. She focuses on FMCG industry trend insight analysis, user analysis, KOL content research, and provides complete brand rejuvenation marketing solutions.

Event Introduction
Marketing Talks
 · 06/15 (Day 2)
Growth and Beyond Growth
International Plenary Hall - Level 2 of North Lobby west
Roll the "Gear" of Business
Marketing To Gen Z, Leading the New Trend

Opening a video at bilibili during mealtime has become a “digital pickles” for young generations. Bilibili covers thousands of interest groups, and food is one of the strongest “social currencies” among them. With the scene, traffic, and audience all in place, how should food & beverage brands effectively connect with young generations on bilibili and lead the trend of popular products?

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