Alice Lou
Food & Money
Associate Director of External Innovation
PepsiCo Asia R&D Center

Alice Lou is the Associate Director of External Innovation at PepsiCo Asia Research & Development Center Ltd. She is responsible for building PepsiCo's ecosystem in the Asia Pacific region, matching external resources with the company's strategic priorities to support medium and long-term innovation projects, while taking into account emerging technologies that will lead the future and drive product innovation with technological innovation. Alice Lou graduated from Zhejiang University with a Master's degree in Food and has over 15 years of experience in food and beverage development at Unilever and PepsiCo.

Event Introduction
Food & Money
 · 06/15 (Day 2)
Start Up, Stand Out
CC201A - Hall 18 2nd Floor
Make Investment Worthy
External Innovation from “0”

When we talk about external innovation, we can always think of companies integrating external resources and internalizing various technologies, knowledge, and so on to improve their competitiveness.

… But this is something that happens later.

External innovation is a company's capability, not merely a means to an end, and developing capability requires long-term accumulation. So, how should companies enhance their external innovation capabilities?

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