Victor Zhang
Channel & Supply Chain
Co-founder & Partner
GenBridge Capital

Victor Zhang co-founded GenBridge Capital in 2016 and has over thirteen years of consumer-focused China private equity experience. He has invested in next-generation consumer champions such as Harvest, Qiandama, Busy For You, Guoquan, and New Joy. At GenBridge, he leads deals, develops investment theses, and offers portfolio support, while also establishing post-investment value creation and data-driven consumer insights.

Prior to GenBridge, Victor was the Deputy General Manager of Investment and Strategy at the JD Group in Beijing. Before that, he was a founding member of China International Capital Corporation’s (“CICC”) Alpha Fund, where he focused on originating and executing investments in the consumer business.

Victor has been awarded several honors by China's top financial media, such as "The Most Influential Investor of the Year" by the 21st Century Business Herald as well as "The Best Investor in the Consumer Sector" by Huxiu. 

Victor holds a dual bachelor's degree in Economics and Science from Peking University and an MBA from Tsinghua University - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as an EMBA degree from the China Europe International Business School.


Event Introduction
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
Hall 17 DH001
No Rules
Unstoppable Physical Stores

Physical Stores feature good product selections and yet low prices. When capital flows in, brands seize the momentum by developing collaboration products and accelerating distribution in channels. However, it is important to figure out the logic behind the physical stores in the first step.

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Channel & Supply Chain
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
Laying A Solid Groundwork
CC207 - Hall 18 2nd Floor
Supply Chain Construction
[Panel Discussion] Investors Talk: “How Does A Disruptive Player Build A Competitive Supply Chain”

The importance of supply chain speaks for itself to make a business competitive. Compared with players who already have established systematic advantages in supply chain, companies at their young age need to find a supply model that suits their phase of development.

In the discerning eyes of investors, what is the right way for a great player to build its own supply chain?

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