Guanming Pan
Pack Talks
Founder & Product Manager

MA-Graphic Branding & Identity, LCC (London College of Communication), UAL (University of the Arts London)

BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) Recognized Beer Judge

As a professional in graphic branding, he started making wine in 2015 and founded the brand "TASTE ROOM" in Hangzhou in 2016. In 2017, the first commercial work Osmanthus Wit was released, and in 2021, the establishment of its own factory was completed. He has a good understanding of the industry and business in craft brewing, other fermented wines, and liqueur.

Event Introduction
Pack Talks
 · 06/16 (Day 3)
From Appealing to Branding
CC101 - Hall 18 1st Floor
Brands’ Design Literacy | Ideation
[Panel Discussion] The Change Ongoing: China's Branding Design in Future

Amidst a century of transformation, Chinese domestic brands are gradually maturing and developing their unique design styles. Particularly in the food and beverage category closely tied to people's livelihood, an increasing number of brands are paying attention to the individual dietary needs of the Chinese population and incorporating innovative designs that align with Chinese culture and consumer habits into their branding and packaging. In the future, what will Chinese brand designs that evoke a sense of "affinity," while also being "stylish," and exuding a "branded feel" look like?

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