Aaron Cheng
Pack Talks
YUTOECO R&D Institute Dean

As the Dean of YUTOECO R&D Institute, Aaron is responsible for sustainable materials derived from nature, building new R&D models, creating novel eco-friendly products. He is committed to providing brand new sustainable packaging solutions for Fortune 500 customers, to realize customers' carbon neutral goals.

Aaron has served leading companies in the Internet, printing and packaging industries for 19 years. His smart packaging SAAS platform and innovative packaging solutions have been recognized by the industry. After joining YUTO, his rich experience in IoT, printing & packaging, and new materials convinced him that people-oriented and eco innovations will create more lasting brand value for customers.

Event Introduction
Pack Talks
 · 06/15 (Day 2)
From Appealing to Branding
CC101 - Hall 18 1st Floor
Sustainable Future | Practical Approaches
Plastic Alternatives: Striking the Balance of Sustainability, Cost, and User Experience

Taking a comprehensive look at various stages including production, transportation, and recycling, how do plastic alternatives fare when considering the trade-offs of cost, carbon emissions, and user experience? Moreover, on a global scale, what are some forward-thinking new solutions that are emerging?

Link to agenda