Mingqian Tan
Dalian Polytechnic University

Tan Mingqian, Ph.D., professor, doctoral supervisor. Director of the research direction of "Food Quality Control" in the team of Academician Zhu Beiwei of the Dalian University of Technology, Dean of the Food Interdisciplinary Research Institute of the Dalian University of Technology. He was awarded the 2019 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and the second prize of Natural Science of Liaoning Province. Enjoy the special government allowance of the State Council. He has published more than 100 SCI-indexed papers as the first author or corresponding author, and the papers have been cited more than 2,600 times. He is the editorial board member of the journal Foods, eFood, and the youth editorial board of Food Science. Main areas of work: Design and manufacture of marine dietary fiber nutritious food, build a targeted delivery system, improve the bioavailability of food functional factors, and achieve precise nutritional intervention. Explore the formation mechanism and quality regulation of new endogenous nanostructures, and reveal the structural transformation of food nutrients and the mechanism of action of the body.