Dr. Hua Cui
Tidetron Bioworks

Dr. Hua Cui holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and completed her postdoctoral research in Synthetic Biology at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She primarily engages in research related to microbial cells and the design of genetic circuits. She has achieved certain research results in the synthesis of natural products and the construction of chassis engineering strains. Dr. Cui has participated in four national and ministerial-level projects and has been involved in the application of 15 patents (of which 6 have been granted), and has published 4 high-level international SCI papers.

Event Introduction
 · 06/25 (Day 1)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
Manufacturing Technology and Process Improvement
AI + BIO Natural Preservation: Empowering the Food Industry for a Fresh Upgrade

With consumers increasingly favoring natural ingredients, the market for food preservatives is rapidly evolving! How can food brands overcome the anxiety of "no additives"? How can they clearly communicate the health and naturalness of their products to consumers? Natural antimicrobial peptides are emerging as an ideal alternative to chemical preservatives! Tidetron Bioworks is harnessing the broad-spectrum antibacterial potential of these peptides to enhance the natural preservation and freshness of food, helping brands achieve "clean labels." This time, food safety needs to seize the "fresh" opportunity!

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