Xiao Liu
Assistant Professor, Science Center for Future Foods
Jiangnan University

Xiao Liu, a joint PhD candidate at South China University of Technology and Wageningen University, is an assistant researcher at the Future Food Science Center of Jiangnan University. He mainly engages in research on green biomanufacturing of plant-based foods and the exploration and utilization of alternative protein resources. In the past five years, he has published over 30 high-level research papers, 25 of which are as the first or corresponding author (17 in the first quartile of SCI), and has participated in the publication of one English monograph; he has applied for 6 invention patents; and has presided over 6 scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Fund for Young Scholars, a sub-project of the National Key Research and Development Plan, and the Jiangsu Province Natural Science Fund for Young Scholars.

Event Introduction
 · 06/25 (Day 1)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
IPIA Day-Future Food Innovation under the Big Food Perspective
Key Technologies and Development Directions in Alternative Protein Industry

Implement the "Big Food Concept" development philosophy to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of food production, build a diverse food supply system that is nutritious, efficient, and sustainable, and alleviate the current pressure on food protein supply. Fully grasp the current status and level of alternative protein resource exploration and application technology, industrial chain distribution and integration, as well as safety assessment and support system; by tracking and analyzing advanced technologies and industrial systems, clarify the core technological routes and development directions for protein from plants, animals, and microorganisms; propose key technologies, industrial directions, and safeguard measures for the development of the alternative protein industry, and construct a strategic path to support the high-quality and sustainable supply of food protein resources in our country in the future.

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