Eran holds a Ph.D. (2006) in microbiology and MBA specialized in life science initiatives (2014).
Eran started his professional experience as a Researcher at the Israel Institute for Biology Research (IIBR)- leading a a classified project (2006-2009).
At 2010 he joined Maya Ofakim Group (MOG) ending up doing different roles, starting as head of the microbiology lab at Bactochem an analytical lab dedicated to the food, pharma and cosmetics industry. The lab is one of the leading labs in Israel composed of 14 technicians under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and the Standard Israel Institution.
At MOG he was promoted to be the head of R&D at a chemical plant Amgal. Developing new products from lab scale to mass production. The NPD and the production support gave Eran experience in scaling up, and business development skils. Few projects in AMGAL were fermentation and bio-conversion that gave the basics to the later invention of Better Juice.
Latter Eran progressed to be a VP at Hadarom foods industries responsible for logistics, quality, import, export, regulation, R&D and PR.
Since 2017 the CEO and founder of Better -Juice. A startup company with a unique sugar reduction solution from naturally occurring sugary products, like juices.