Name: Fang Yuan
Position: Associate Professor
Acadamic degree: Doctorate
Department: College of Food Science & Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University
Work Address: P. O. Box 112, Qinghua Eastroad NO. 17, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, P. R. China.
Main Research Areas:
Emulsifiers, stabilizers and thickeners: Preparation and evaluating of the protein–polysaccharide Maillard conjugates as emulsifiers; High-pressure and supercritical fluid processing effects on the emulsification properties of natural emulsifiers; Effects of protein–polysaccharide interactions on interfacial and emulsion properties.
Food nano Technology: The research efforts aim to control and improve physical properties of food materials, deliver functional ingredients, and rapidly evaluate the safty and functionality of foods, particularly in the areas of nano-scaled food materials. 1) Preparation and characterization of nano-emulsions and nano-encapsualtion, stabilization of thermal, photo sensitive compounds by nano-emulsions and nano-encapsualtion; 2) Stability and bioavailability of nano-emulsions and nano-encapsualtion; 3) Safety evaluation of nano-scaled food materials.
Non-thermal Technologies, ultra high-pressure processing, UHP Technology, Supercritical (or subcritical) Fluids extraction Research on Supercritical (or subcritical) Fluids extraction of fats/oils, essential oils, volatiles, and ?avours using static high pressure carbon dioxide treatment system and a dynamic high pressure carbon dioxide treatment system and evaluating the various functional properties of these compounds including phenolic compounds, antioxidants, natural pigments .
Pricinpal Achivements:
As the director of 1 project funded by the national and published over 30 academic papers. Teaching two graduate courses: Experiments of food chemistry and food analysis.