Booth Range

Processing & Packaging Machinery for Food & Beverage, Processing & Packaging Machinery for Confectionery & Baked Goods, Packaging Production, Packaging Printing, Components for Processing & Packaging, Smart Packaging and Automation Technology, E-commerce / Logistic Packaging, Packaging Design

AI/VR/AR, Marketing & Advertising, IOT/Hardware, Cloud & Big data , Entertainment, E-commerce/Retail, Investment, Finance, Software development & Service, Analytics/Consultant, Others

sweeteners, antioxidants, thickeners, stabilizers and coagulants, nutritional supplements; starches, oligosaccharides, yeast products, soy products, foods and fats; plant extracts, functional food ingredients, probiotics , collagen, beverage flavors, candy flavors, baking flavors, emulsified flavors, compound flavors, spices and others

Brand owners:
Beverage, Infant foods, Coffee, Cakes, etc.