Professor Alpay Er is a member of Design Research Society (DRS) since 1992, and was conferred with “Fellowship of DRS” in 2006. He served as a member of the Executive Board (2011-2013) of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID). He was the first Board Member representing Turkey in ICSID. Professor Er served 2nd time in the board between 2015-2017, during the term in which ICSID was renamed as World Design Organization (WDO). He was re-elected as a WDO Board Member for the 2017-2019 term in 2017. He has served in several national and international design awards and competitions such as Red Dot, Red Star China, iF etc, acted as a consultant to various institutions and companies in Istanbul on design management and industrial design.
Prof. Dr. Alpay Er
Head of Department of Industrial Design
Özyeğin University