Yong Yang
Innovation Ecosystem Director of Bühler Greater China
Secretary General of IPIA

Yong Yang holds a Ph.D. in Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University. With over 20 years of experience in product development and innovation, he has been deeply involved in research areas such as intelligent equipment, industrial internet, and renewable energy. Currently, he serves as the Director of the Innovation Ecosystem for the Asia-Pacific region. In this role, he is responsible for coordinating with universities and research institutions on innovation accelerators and incubators. He focuses on exploring the transformation of industry-academia-research outcomes in areas such as future foods, circular economy, energy conservation and emission reduction, advanced materials, and digitalization. Additionally, he is tasked with promoting digital transformation, corporate innovation mechanisms, and cultural development within the group. 

Event Introduction
 · 06/25 (Day 1)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
IPIA Day-Future Food Innovation under the Big Food Perspective
Link to agenda
 · 06/25 (Day 1)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
IPIA Day-Future Food Innovation under the Big Food Perspective
Link to agenda
 · 06/25 (Day 1)
FBIF iFood Show · Foodtalks
IPIA Day-Future Food Innovation under the Big Food Perspective
Link to agenda