Yu Li
Startup Talks
Founder & CEO

Yu Li, the founder of ELECTRO X, graduated from New York University and before he founded ELECTRO X, he was a restaurateur in New York and has created the only Michelin recommended Chinese hotpot restaurant in North America. In 2021, Li Yu founded ELECTRO X, a sports drink company that has grown from the urban sports community. ELECTRO X offering premium hydration products such as natural alkaline water and premium electrolyte beverages. ELECTRO X has build a strong branding within various sports categories including running, cycling, Crossfit through creating inspiring content with different sports communities and sponsoring sports game and athletes. ELECTRO X ‘s goal is to become a symbol of Chinese Sports Culture.

Event Introduction
Startup Talks
 · 06/26 (Day 2)
Start Up, Stand Out
4.2H - Hall B2
Methodology for Entrepreneurship
ELECTRO X: Monthly Sales of Ten Million, Sports Drink Startup Rely on "Focus" to Grow

From its inception, ELECTRO X decided to cater to the "sports crowd" market. They concentrated their resources where this demographic is prevalent: focusing on first-tier and new first-tier cities with a high concentration of sports enthusiasts, entering premium supermarkets and convenience stores, partnering with gyms, sports centers, five-star hotels, sports brands and professional events, and integrating into the lifestyle of sports enthusiasts. In less than three years since its founding, ELECTRO X has completed three rounds of financing, achieving monthly sales in the millions and experiencing rapid growth in the crowded beverage market.

FBIF invited Li Yu, founder of ELECTRO X, to discuss how a startup with limited resources concentrate on a core positioning and achieve growth through "focus."

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