Elin Furelid
Director Future of Packaging
The Absolut Company

Elin has extensive marketing experience that includes product design, innovation, product development & packaging for Sweden’s biggest food export, Absolut Vodka. Absolut Vodka is one of few truly global Swedish products with presence in over 100 markets around the world. In April 2023, Elin started a new role as Director Future of Packaging for the Absolut Company. This comes after almost 17 years on the Absolut brand with the last 10 years working with product and innovation. 

The Absolut Company’s Future of Packaging program aims to minimise waste at every step by re-imagining and distributing products that preserve the use of natural resources and reducing Absolut’s carbon footprint by 2030. As part of the Future of Packaging program, Elin is leading the Absolut Paper Bottle project, aimed at producing bottles with a lower impact on the planet through the use of paper as the main material. The project started in 2019 and launched the initial prototypes in 2022.