Ruifeng Tian
Channel & Supply Chain
Director of the Industry Innovation and Development Department
China Chain Store & Franchise Association

Ruifeng Tian, Senior Engineer, is in charge of both CCFA Retail Technology Committee and CCFA Supply Chain Committee, and also serves as the member of the SAC/TC439 National Chain Operation Standardization Technical Committee.

In terms of the application on digital technology, since 2015, Mr. Tian has worked on several specific studies on 5G, Clouding, Edge Computing, Data Science, Machine Recognition, writing and publishing related study report, such as New Retail Data Infrastructure (API) White Paper, and so on. Meanwhile, Mr. Tian has also led several pilots, such as OSA (On Shelf Available), API.

In terms of supply chain, Mr. Tian has almost 15 years of working experience in Supply Chain Management, leading retail supply coordination and optimization projects, such as "Integrity Handover" Project, CCFA Fresh Food Initiatives; Participating and writing industry standards, such as GB/T 31005-2014 Pallet Coding and Barcode Representation, SB/T 10804-2012 Application Guidelines for Retail Box Codes, KPI Indicators for China's Retail Supply Chain, etc.

Event Introduction
Channel & Supply Chain
 · 12/22 (Day 4)
Grab "The Next" Channel
[Panel Discussion] How Should Suppliers and Retailers Jointly Enhance Online and Offline Competence as Consumption Patterns Continuously Evolve?

Amid continuous changes in consumption patterns, it is a shared task for retailers and suppliers to boost online efficiency, draw consumers to shop offline and integrate online and offline experience seamlessly.

To cope with the ever-changing market environment requires not only constant self-enhancement but also reliable partners. How can suppliers and retailers be moats to each other by driving collaboration closer and deeper?

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