Dr. Dong-Fang CHEN is the Vice President in Corporate R&D for Asia Pacific Zone based in Shanghai from 2006 and the President of Firmenich China (2012-2015). He obtained his B.Sc. degree from Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China in Biology; M.Sc. degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Biology and Biotechnology; and Ph.D degree in Cambridge Laboratory, Plant Breeding Institute, Cambridge, UK. He worked in Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology CAS, and in the UK for various organisations including the Plant Breeding Institute in Cambridge, the John Innes Centre in Norwich, the Norman Borlaug Institute of De Montfort University in Leicester, Astra-Zeneca and Syngenta in Berkshire. He has undertaken and led scientific research in the field of Biology, Biotechnology, Food Sciences and Fragrance & Flavor, and published more than 200 research papers in international journals, professional conferences and book chapters. He was also awarded an MBA from Liverpool University, UK.