Sun Shijun, the co-founder and CEO of Adopt a Cow, has been deeply engaged in the dairy industry for more than 10 years and has rich practical experience in production, sales, and marketing. He is an excellent entrepreneur, leader, marketing, and management expert.
Under his leadership, the total amount of consumers online to Adopt a Cow has exceeded 20 million in less than two years, including 5 million senior members. Know as the ‘Rear Waves’(which refers to the new generation in Chinese context), Adopt a Cow has achieved sales revenue of more than 1.5 billion yuan in 3 years.
Mr. Sun Shijun is committed to a user-centric business model, which aims to rebuild the customer-brand relationship. He believes a new consumer era has come, in which each customer will participate, and the enterprise must rebuild relationships with consumers. So under his leadership, the enterprise has launched the ‘Cow Adoption Partner’ model, in order to let consumers participate in the co-construction of enterprises, product design, and optimization of services, to turn consumption into lifelong behavior and make the customer our loyal users.