Besides full time job at DuPont Nutrition and Helath, Susan is also holding the standing committee of China Food Science and Technology association (lactic acid bacteria sub-association). and The executive secretary of Lactic acid bacteria sub-association of Shanghai Food Association. She has been working at Rhodia Food (Rhone-pounce) as a technical manager for North Asia since 1997, Being with Danisco since 2004 as a product manager after the integration of Dansico to Rhodia Food. And She has been working as Commercial Director for Dupont Nutrition & Health Greater China since 2011
Be responsible for the Business development, product management including marketing promotional acidity, regulatory etc., in China. As one of the pioneer working with Lactic acid bacterial in China, She also publishing and writing several books and articles such as: < probiotics and healthy life>; <yoghurt science and Technology>, < handbook of dairy industry>, <handbook of food additives> etc., And she has been making lots of Speech at international Symposium and she is the invited editor of ISFOST Journal “International Journal of Food Science and Technology”