Maurits Burgering (Dr.) born 1965, is currently senior business development manager at Wageningen Food and Biobased Research (WFBR) an internationally renowned research organization in the Netherlands. Recently, TNO’s Food and Nutrition activities, where Maurits worked for 9 years, merged with WFBR and he acted as a quarter master to facilitate the integration between these two organizations. Due to this merge, WFBR has become one of Europe’s largest research institutes in the field of food, nutrition and biobased research with over 240 employees. Thanks to this powerful combination of expertise, the Netherlands will be able to strengthen its international position in these fields. The applied research carried out by WFBR will lead to better and healthier products, resource-efficient production processes, and more sustainable and transparent chains. Besides that, Maurits was also responsible for the national ‘Top Sector Agri-Food’ : Theme - 1 ‘Valorization of green resources’ as a TNO representative and he was a member in the PCC, the Protein Competence Center a joint initiative of WageningenUR TNO, NIZO food research, RUG and industry (www.pccresearch.nl/). In his current roles he is responsible for setting up the research portfolios for WFBR. These portfolios involve not only direct contract research for the (food)industry but also co-development and consortia projects where WFBR invests together with industry on strategic subjects as well as governmental funded knowledge projects. After his education in Chemistry he received a PhD on biophysical and structural NMR studies of regulatory proteins at the University of Utrecht. Subsequently, he worked in several pharmaceutical and food and beverage industries as a research associate in the corporate science groups thereof. In 2000-2008 he worked for NIZO food research as project manager and account manager, were his main focus was conducting research projects in the field of flavour, nutrition and ingredients. He was principle investigator running the NIZO contribution to the FP6 EU project DiOGenes, a pan-European program targeting the obesity problem from a dietary perspective. During his professional career an extensive list of both peer reviewed and popular scientific research papers have been written.
Key-scientific papers:
- Jan N. Breg, Joost H. J. van Opheusden, Maurits J.M. Burgering, Rolf Boelens & Rob Kaptein. Structure of Arc Repressor in Solution; Evidence for a Family of ?-sheet DNA Binding Proteins. Nature (1990) 346, 586-589.
- Maurits J. M. Burgering, Leon P.M. Orbons, Antoon van der Doelen, John Mulders, Henri J.M. Theunissen, Peter D.J. Grootenhuis, Wolfram Bode, Robert Huber & Milton T. Stubbs. The Second Kunitz Domain of Human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor. Cloning, Structure Determination and Interaction with Factor Xa. Journal of Molecular Biology (1997) 269, 395-407.
- Van Loon, W. A. M.; Linssen, J. P. H.; Legger, A.; Heijmans, R. M. H.; Van Deventer, H. C.; Burgering, M. J. M.; Boelrijk, E. M.; Van Drooge, B. L.; Voragen, A. Development and evaluation of a new energy efficient process for French fries production. (2005) European Food Research and Technology 221:779-786
- Visschers, R.W., Jacobs, M.A., Frasnelli, J.E.W., Hummel, T., Burgering, M., and Boelrijk, A.E.M. Cross modality of texture and aroma perception is independent of orthonasal or retronasal stimulation. (2006) Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 15 pp:5509-5515
- Ruijschop R., Jacobs, M.A., Burgering M.J.M and Boelrijk A.E.M. Retro-nasal aroma release depends on both interpersonal and product differences: A link to food intake regulation? (2009), Chemical Senses 34 (5), pp 395-403.