Professor Zhang is one of theleading economists in China who publishes widely. Recent academic contributionshave been to The World Economy, China Economic Review, Economic Systems, theJournal of Asian Economics, the Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, theJournal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, and the East Asian Review.
Over the past 20 years he hasauthored or edited numerous books including Economic Transition with ChineseCharacteristics: Thirty Years of Reform and Opening Up (McGill-Queen UniversityPress, 2008), Transformation of the Chinese Enterprises (Cengage Learning,2009), and Unfinished Reforms of the Chinese Economy (World ScientificPublishing Ltd., 2013).
He has been on the editorialboard of several academic journals including Economic Systems, Journal of theAsia Pacific Economy, East Asia Policy, Journal of Pro-Poor Economics, ChinaSocial Sciences Review, China Economic Quarterly, China Economic Journal,China: An International Journal, and editor-in-chief of Fudan EconomicPapers.
Since 1997 he has beenresident as visiting scholar to London School of Economics, SOAS, University ofLondon, University of Aarhus, Tokyo Metropolitan University, HarvardUniversity, Yale University, Kyungpook National University in Korea, TheQueens’ University, and the World Institute for Development Economics Researchof the United Nations University (UNU-WIDER).
Professor Zhang is also arespected commentator on the Chinese economy, and is writing regularly toProject Syndicate and Financial Times Chinese version. His views on the Chineseeconomy have been widely cited by mass media, including Wall Street Journal,Financial Times, New York Times, South China Morning Post. He has also beenfrequently interviewed by TVs such as CNN, BBC, KBS, PBS, and so on.
Professor Zhang is a seasonedspeaker who shares with his audience in-depth analysis on the Chinese economy.He speaks fluent English and has addressed to Wilton Park Conference, St.Gallen Symposium, Mizuhu Forum, Asia Casa, Forbes Forum, Global FinancialForum, J-China Forum, The Danish Top Executive Business Summit, Shanghai Forum,The Asian Leadership Conference, etc.
As a Cheung-Jiang Professorof Economics at Fudan University, he is currently the Dean of School ofEconomics, and Director of the China Center for Economic Studies.