Dr. James Andrade is a founding partner of LIJAN Co., specializingin improving the agricultural and manufacturing infrastructure of emergingmarkets through innovative product development, food quality, safety andsecurity solutions. James has mostrecently held the position of Vice President, Research & Development forMondelēz International Asia Pacific covering Australia, China, India, Japan,Korea, NZ and SEA.
During his 30 years in the food industry, James has held a varietyof management positions including R&D, Quality, Marketing, consumerinsights and strategy. While applyinghis skills in Asia the last 12 years, his previous work has included projectsin Germany, UK, Venezuela, Costa Rica and Mexico. He has led the launch of newinnovative products across multiple product categories and implementedinnovation programs, which identified new platforms in snacking, beverages, andH&W among others.
Prior to his career in the food industry, Dr. Andrade maintained aresearch role with the Department of Defense- working for both the Navy andArmy laboratories. In addition to hisformer senior leadership role with Mondelēz International Asia, Dr. Andrade hasserved on several corporate boards across Asia Pacific including Dong Suh Foodsand Ajinomoto-GF. He has also served as the former Chairman of the Board ofGovernors for the American Chamber of Commerce, Singapore and is currently anadjunct professor with Griffith University, Queensland, Australia.
James was also a member of the Team USA, which competed in the2001 Wushu Tai Chi competition in Sanya, Hainan.
James holds a B.A. from Roger Williams University, M.S. inPsychopharmacology and Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Howard University.