MR. JIE Xiaofeng, Vice President of Hubei BESTSTORE Food Group,President of Hubei BestStore e-commerce Company Ltd.
Mr. Jie has been a seasoned senior executive with experience inO2O (Online to Offline), Omni-Channel, and e-commerce industry for many years,currently serves as the Vice President of Hubei BESTSTORE Food Group, in chargeof the e-commerce business of BESTSTORE Group; in the past he served as thepresident of O2O business group and Vice President of O2O business, responsiblefor Omni-Channel business for BESTSTORE Group.
Mr. Jie has rich experience in project management and seniormanagement covering e commerce, Omni-Channel, and O2O areas. He laid solidfoundation in e-commerce business for BESTSTORE Group; lead the team to achieveremarkable results.
Mr. Jie Xiaofeng graduated from Huazhong University of Science andTechnology with a bachelor degree, and achieved a Master's degree in ComputerScience and Technology from Wuhan University of Technology.