Mr. Zhang Suyi (David)
General Manager, Marketing and E-commerce
Wyeth Nutrition
Date of birth: 25 Sep, 1972
Nationality: Chinese
Languages: English, Chinese (Mandarin)
Other: Married, 1 Child
Summary (e.g Current Responsibilities, Some successes and achievements)
Mr. Zhang Suyi (David) is General Manager of Marketing and E-commerce in Wyeth Nutrition, starting from January, 2014. He manages the overall operation of Marketing department, leading team to achieve Business Target, build up brand, develop new product and expand E-commerce business.
Mr. Zhang Suyi (David) started his Marketing career in Guaker and General Mills. In 2000, he joined Henkel, and he held a role of Marketing Director when he left Henkel in 2006. From 2006 to 2010, David served as General Manager of Marketing Operations in Wyeth Nutrition. And then, he had been the President of China in General Nutrition Centers, Inc. (GNC) for 2 years. Before coming back to Wyeth Nutrition in January, 2014, Mr. Zhang Suyi (David) worked for Estee Lauder Group of Companies as General Manager of Ecommerce and Online Development in China.
Mr. Zhang Suyi (David) graduated from Wuhan University in 1994, major in Computer information management. In 2004, he also completed his Executive MBA studies and achieved his Master degree in China Europe International Business School (CEIBS).