Kasra Ferdows has been doing research, teaching, and consulting in the field of operations management for three decades. Before joining Georgetown, he taught for 10 years at INSEAD (The European Institute of Business Administration, in Fontainebleau, France), where he still occasionally teaches as a visiting professor. He also has been a visiting faculty member at Harvard Business School, Stanford Business School, and Melbourne Business School. He was the acting dean of the Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business from July 1997 to July 1998.
He is a Fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society and was its President in 2005-2006. He is also a Fellow of the European Operations Management Association. He has published in scholarly journals in the field of operations management, including Production and Operations Management, The Journal of Operations Management, The International Journal of Production Research, The International Journal of Operations and Production Management, and the International Journal of Technology Management, as well as in general management journals such as Harvard Business Review, Strategic Management Journal, California Management Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, The Columbia Journal of World Business, European Management Journal, Industrial Engineer, and The Journal of Business Strategy. His book, Managing International Manufacturing (North Holland, 1989), is one of the pioneering works in the field. His more recent publications are in the area of managing international operations, particularly in charting strategies for global production and supply networks and implementing corporate lean programs in large multinational manufacturing companies.
As a consultant and teacher, he has worked with many multinationals including Apple Computers (Ireland), Barilla (Italy), BASF (Germany), BHP Billiton (Australia), Danfoss (Denmark), Eli Lilly (France), Ford of Europe (UK), Hewlett-Packard (US), General Electric (US), IBM (US), Norsk Hydro (Norway), Pechiney (Now Rio Tinto, France), PepsiAmericas (US), SABMiller (South Africa), Unilever (Mexico) and the World Bank Group.