Bachelors of Science in Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University School of Engineering
PhD Candidate in Dynamics, Systems and Controls in the Cornell Creative Machines Lab under Professor Hod Lipson in the Sibley School of Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University
Professional Positions
Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer at Seraph Robotics
Teaching Experience
Spring 2011
Introduction to Robotics, a senior level class on the design of robotic systems and mechanisms, Worked under Professor Moon, student enrollment: 40
Spring 2009-Spring 2012
Fall 2013
Leader of the Cornell Undergraduate Fab@Home Project Team, enrollment: 20 a semester.
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, a freshman level class, enrollment 60 students. Worked under Professor Hadas Ritz
Honors and Awards Received
Goldman Sachs’s Prize at BOOM 2011
NSF GRFP Honorable Mention 2011,2010
Jeffrey Lipton, Hod Lipson. Data Driven Delights: the future of food, IEEE Spectrum invited paper 2012
Daniel L Cohen, Jeffrey Lipton, Hod Lipson, Additive Manufacturing for In Situ Repair and Adaptation of Robots. Submitted to the Rapid Prototyping Journal.]
Daniel L Cohen, Jeffrey I Lipton, Lawrence J Bonassar and Hod Lipson. Additive manufacturing for in situ repair of osteochondral defects. Journal of Biofabrication 2010
Pearson, C. L., D. S. Dale, P. W. Brewer, P. I. Kuniholm, J. Lipton, and S. W. Manning (2009), .Dendrochemical analysis of a tree-ring growth anomaly associated with the Late Bronze Age eruption of Thera., Journal of Archaeological Science Vol 36 Issue 6, June 2009, pages 1206-1214
Pearson, C. L., D. S. Dale, P. W. Brewer, M. W. Salzer, J. Lipton, and S. W. Manning (2009), Dendrochemistry of White Mountain bristlecone pines: An investigation via Synchrotron Radiation Scanning X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy, J. Geophys. Res., 114
Conference Papers
Jeffrey Lipton, Karl Glick Hod Lipson. .Extensible Digital Fabrication Language for Digital Fabrication Processes. 21st Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin Tx.
Jeffrey Lipton, et al. Multi-Material Food Printing with Complex Internal Structure Suitable for Conventional Post-Processing.. 21st Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin Tx.
Jeffrey Lipton, Mathew Boban, Jonathan Hiller, Hod Lipson. .Solid Freeform Fabrication of Stochastic and Ordered Cellular Structures.. 21st Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin Tx.
Jeffrey Lipton, Hod Lipson, Brick-Printing Technologies for in-situ Smart Structure Fabrication, Ubicomp 2009, Orlando FL
Lipton, J. Cohen,D., Heinz,M., Lobovsky, M., Parad,W., Bernstien, G., Li,T., Quartiere,J., Washington,K., Umaru,A., Masanoff,R., Granstein, J., Whitney,J., Lipson,H., (2009) "Fab@Home Model 2: Towards Ubiquitous Personal Fabrication Devices" Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF 09), Aug 3-5 2009, Austin, TX.
Cohen D.L., Lipton, J., Cutler, M., Coulter, D., Vesco, A., Lipson, H. (2009) .Hydrocolloid Printing: A Novel Platform for Customized Food Production. Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF 09), Aug 3-5 2009, Austin, TX.
Lipton, J. Cohen, D., Lipson, H. (2009) "Brick Printing: Freeform Fabrication of Modular Architectual Elements with Embedded Systems" Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (SFF 09), Aug 3-5 2009, Austin, TX.
Archibots workshop at Ubicomp
NCSU ASEE Engineering Education Summit 2011
Cornell Innovation Network at Google NYC 2011
3D Printing event, Eindhoven Netherlands
MacAurthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning Conference 2011
Presenter at the 2010 NYSCATE Conference
Plenary Speaker at the 21st Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium
Presenter at the 2009 Gadgetoff
Plenary Speaker at the 20th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium